
 Ozarks production company presenting theatrical performances through affiliated Adult Theatre, Children's Theatre, and Dance and Events groups.


Why theatre?

Why now?

Can’t you get all your entertainment on streaming, anyway?

 Fun fact: streaming can’t compete with the thrill of live theatre.

Think about it.

Real live humans gathering together to share the same space, to experience the same story.     

Transported on an emotional journey — different but similar.

And to make it even more unique, the experience of live theatre is a “one-time only” deal.

That performance you see will never be duplicated again.

Moments will be different from all moments that came before and all moments that come after.

It is a gift sent out to you specially that is used up in the same moment.

It is ephemeral.

It is the very definition of magic.

Lakefront Arts was created to bring people together  -  artists and audiences.

To generate a little of that magic.

And escapism.

         And creativity.

         And invention.

To thrill the heart and lift the soul.

To make you laugh and cry and think and wonder.

Doing it all with high quality productions that are accessible and affordable.

We have a lot to offer the Ozarks.

We’re excited to begin.

Diversity Statement

Lakefront Arts is committed to providing a nurturing, supportive, and equitable community for those bringing its mission to life. We acknowledge that thriving arts environments require risk, courage, vulnerability, and investment of our physical, emotional, and intellectual selves. We are dedicated to creating artistic spaces that foster communication, safety, respect, and accountability of participants at all levels of theatrical production. We fully embrace diversity and inclusion and are committed to equitable hiring of all ages, ethnicities, gender identities, as well as artists with disabilities.